Course curriculum

    1. Introducing The Ultimate AFib Recovery Program

    2. Welcome Bonus Material

    1. Lesson 1: What is AFib?

    2. Lesson 2: Complications of AFib

    3. Lesson 3: Dangers of the Current Cardiology Approach to AFib

    4. Lesson 4: The REAL Causes of AFib

    1. Welcome to Week 1: Nutrition

    2. Food is Medicine: How Diet Impacts AFib

    3. Foods to Eliminate, Limit and Why

    4. Nutrients for AFib

    5. Coaches' Corner

    6. Weekly Wrap Up

    7. Bonus Material

    1. Welcome to Week 2: Stress

    2. Fighting the Bear: How Stress Impacts AFib

    3. Common Stressors and How to Eliminate Them

    4. Relaxation Tools to Strengthen Vagal Tone

    5. Coaches' Corner

    6. Weekly Wrap Up

    7. Bonus Material

    1. Welcome to Week 3: Sunshine

    2. How Sunshine Impacts AFib

    3. Bad Sunshine Habits to Eliminate

    4. Sunshine-Seeking Strategies

    5. Coaches' Corner

    6. Weekly Wrap Up

    7. Bonus Material

    1. Welcome to Week 4: Sleep

    2. Get Your ZZZ's: How Sleep Impacts AFib

    3. What is Interfering with Your Sleep

    4. Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

    5. Coaches' Corner

    6. Weekly Wrap Up

    7. Bonus Material

  • 63 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content